Apply for Care

We want you to get the care you deserve.

Application for Care

Application for Care


For use by Midwifery Practice Groups to obtain verbal consent from unaccommodated clients to collect and disclose personal information The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care — which provides funding for the Ontario Midwifery Program — would like to obtain information on the demand for midwifery services around the province. To help the Ministry get the information it needs, we have agreed to ask individuals we are unable to be accommodated at our Practice Group whether they would be willing to provide some basic personal information and consent to the disclosure of this information — specifically, name, birth date, postal code, and expected date of birth. This information will be collected through the Better Outcomes Registry and Network (BORN), a prescribed registry that collects information related to maternal, infant and child health. BORN also administers the Midwifery Invoicing System on behalf of the Ministry. The Ministry needs this information in order to properly conduct a study that will assist in future planning for midwifery services across the province.


You should know that: Preference will be given to those who provide a Dating Ultrasound (8-10 weeks). You will be notified within 7- 10 business days by phone or email regarding your intake form.


The Ministry will not receive your personal information and will only receive de-identified, aggregated data; BORN will receive your personal information only if you consent to this disclosure; you are under no obligation to provide this information, and if you do not consent, this will have no effect on your eligibility to receive midwifery care in the future; and BORN, on behalf of the Ministry is collecting this information solely for the purpose of conducting a study to assess the demand for midwifery services in the province, and will use it for no other purpose. Do you have any questions? Would you be willing to provide your name, birth date, postal code, and expected date of birth to give us your consent to enter this information into BORN?

If you have any questions or concerns about us collecting or disclosing this information, don't hesitate to email us.

Do you consent to the above?
Full Name
Full Name
Do you have an email?
Can we leave a voicemail?
Do you have OHIP insurance?
This could be form another province, private insurance, refugee, etc.
Was it a 28 day cycle?
Have you had 3 months of regular periods?
Is this your first pregnancy?
Are you currently breastfeeding?
Have you had an ultrasound?
Do you have any medical problems?
Are you taking any medications?
Have you had problems in a previous pregnancy?
Have you had a midwife previously?
Do you have an obstetrician?
Do you have a health care provider?
This could be your family doctor, Nurse Practitioner, or walk-in clinic you use frequently.
It is ok if you don't know yet, we have plenty of time to figure that out.

Download our booklet about Midwives of Windsor and our care.