Midwives of Windsor

Primary health care for you and your baby.

We are committed to viewing childbirth as a normal, healthy and family-involved event.

What is Midwifery care?

Midwifery care is based on a respect for pregnancy as a state of health, and childbirth as a normal physiologic process. Midwifery care embraces the diversity of a client’s needs. Midwifery also supports the variety of personal and cultural meanings attributed to the pregnancy, birth, and early parenting experience by the client, their families, and their communities.

What happens during your care.

Prenatal Care

Your Midwife will spend time learning about you and your family, your hopes for your pregnancy, and your medical history.

You will have one primary midwife during your care, but can meet other midwives throughout your course of care.

During Labour

There will be at least one midwife at your birth. There will likely be two midwives present when your baby is born.

Your primary midwife is mainly responsible for providing care for you during and after your labour. Your second midwife is mainly responsible for your baby after the birth.

If no midwife you know is available to go to your birth, other midwives from the clinic will provide care at your birth. This situation is uncommon.

Postpartum Care

Your midwife will go to your home for the first appointments after your birth. About a week after the birth, you and your baby will go to the clinic for appointments.

Your midwife will provide care for you and your baby until six weeks after you give birth.

You will need to have a care provider who can care for you and your baby after you leave midwifery care. Your midwife can help you find a care provider if you do not have one.